Monday, April 9, 2018

Ética sin ontología / Ethics without Ontology libro - Hilary Putnam .epub

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The six lectures gathered in this book by one of the most distinguished contemporary American philosophers discuss from an innovative perspective whether or not ethical judgments can be considered objective. In the first four lectures, given at the University of Perugia in Italy, Putnam considers that ethics are used to solve practical problems, not to establish universal principles, and he argues that ethics are characterized by an objectivity analogous to that of mathematics but that trying to explain the objectivity of mathematics and ethics in ontological terms is a big mistake. Ontology, understood as the part of philosophy that deals with existence, would be the result of a great misunderstanding that has perpetuated under different forms from the Greeks to Quine. In the last two lectures, given at the University of Amsterdam, Putnam puts his reconceptualization of ethics in a historical context and proposes a narrative of intellectual and moral progress based on the succession of three enlightenments: the Platonic, that of the 17th and 18th centuries, and John Dewey's Pragmatist. Faced.
Libros Ética sin ontología / Ethics without Ontology PDF Descargar Gratis
Ética sin ontología / Ethics without Ontology PDF Descargar Gratis
libro Ética sin ontología / Ethics without Ontology pdf

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